Report on custom information


If you are using Custom Fields to track additional information like training dates, birthdays or certifications, you can easily pull a report that lists your volunteers along with that info. Remember that Custom Fields are only available with the Standard Edition of the program.

  1. Go to the Rosterizer pane on the left side of the program.
  2. Under Included Jobs and Included Volunteers, choose to include all of your jobs and volunteers or just the ones you would like to select.
  3. Under Included Fields, uncheck the "Show common fields only" option that exists beneath the "Available fields:" list. At the end of this list, you will see each of your Custom Fields listed by name.
  4. Select a Custom Field and then click "Add >>" to move any of those Available Fields to the "Fields to include:" column.
  5. In the Document Settings, choose to export to a Word, Excel, or Plain text file.
  6. Now click "Generate Roster" in the bottom right corner. Your computer will prompt you to save the file to a location on your computer and then the document will open up for you on your screen. Now you can format the roster as you see fit and print whenever you are ready!
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