To configure Teams using the VSP desktop administrative software, you will first need to unhide this pane by going to VSP’s "Edit" menu at the top of the screen and choosing “Show all panes.” You will then see a Families pane and a Teams pane appear on the left-hand side of the window.
- In the VSP desktop administrative software, click the “New Team…” button to create a new team. If using the Admin view of the Web Terminal as a Web Admin, click the "+" button.
- You will specify the job of the team, add the team members, and select a recurring shift at which they should be scheduled. You should choose “Any recurring shift” if the team does not serve just at one particular shift.
- If you have created subdivisions of the job the team is in, you will be able to choose which subdivision each volunteer is scheduled for by clicking on the subdivision next to their name in the Members box to toggle between subdivisions.
If you have created two or more teams for a given job at the same shift (or "any" shift), you will also have the option to create repeating, rotating assignments.
Schedule these teams normally (don’t preassign)
Selecting this option means that the teams will not be preassigned in any type of rotation. The teams will need to be manually scheduled by you or another administrator or can be auto-scheduled based on availability.
Preassign these teams on a fixed rotation
If you are viewing teams for “Any shift,” you will see this option. Choosing this option means the teams will be scheduled sequentially in a fixed rotation. The first team will be scheduled for the first shift on the date specified, the second team will be scheduled for the next shift, and so on.
Preassign these teams in a # week rotation
If you are viewing teams for a particular recurring shift, you will see this option. Selecting this option tells VSP to rotate the listed teams starting on the selected date. If you have 5 teams, VSP will schedule them in a 5-week rotation. The first team will be scheduled for the recurring shift for the first week dependent on the date you specify.
Preassign these teams to the first through # week of every month
If you are viewing teams for a particular recurring shift, you will see this option. Selecting this option means that the first team in the list will be scheduled for the first week of the month, the second team for the second week, and so on.
Preassign these teams in a monthly rotation
If you are viewing teams for a particular recurring shift, you will see this option. This option assigns a team to a whole month at a time. The first team will be scheduled in the selected starting month, the second team the second month, and so on.