How do I post a roster to the Web Terminal?


In the Web Terminal as a Web Admin

To make a roster visible to your volunteers in the Rosters tab, when you are creating the roster, be sure to choose to make the roster accessible by "Web Admins and volunteers logged into the Web Terminal".


When this option is selected for a roster, all volunteers will be able to view it in the Rosters tab in the Web Terminal.

To learn more about how to configure a roster using the Rosters pane of the Web Terminal, take a look at: How do I create a Roster of my volunteers?

In the VSP desktop software

To post a roster to the Web Terminal, start in the Rosters tab of the Web Terminal pane.  Click on the "New..." button in the upper right side of the screen.  This will take you to the Rosterizer with the appropriate document settings in place to be posted to the Web Terminal.


Building a roster

The Rosterizer pane is where you will build your roster.  There are various areas to configure: "Included Jobs", "Included Volunteers", "Included Fields", "List Arrangement", "Name Modifiers", and "Document Settings".

The "Included Jobs" section is where you define what jobs will be included in the roster.  You can include all of your jobs or only certain jobs.


The "Included Volunteers" section is where you define who will be included in the roster.  You can include all of your volunteers, include only volunteers from a certain job, include only volunteers who pass a certain filter, or hand-pick various volunteers to build a roster for them. You can also choose whether or not to omit inactive volunteers as well as substitute volunteers by checking or un-checking the options below the volunteer list.


In the "Included Fields" section, the information you wish to display for each volunteer is chosen.  By default, the column of "Available fields:" on the left side of the screen will only show the most common fields.  To see all fields available, un-check the box below this section that says "Show common fields only".

Add the fields you wish to use to the column on the right, "Fields to include:".  You can also use the "Use combo:" section to select from some pre-made "Fields to include" combinations.


The "List Arrangement" section is for defining how the volunteers are listed on the roster.  You can choose to group them all in one long list, or group them out in separate lists based on their job qualifications.  There are options at the bottom to further subdivide these lists by first shift preference, and to specify whether you would like to list the substitute or inactive volunteers separately at the end of the roster.


The section for "Name Modifiers" is in case you wish to designate certain volunteers with a special demarcation or symbol.  For instance, if you wanted to bold the name of all volunteers who are qualified for the Phone Canvassing job, you would check the appropriate box and set the filter.  For every shift they appear on the schedule, their name would be in bold.


The last section to configure when building a roster is "Document Settings".  At the top of this section you can specify the format in which you want to the roster to be exported.  When using the Web Terminal to create a roster, the document settings will be automatically set to the format "Web page (*.html)"  and the box below that reading "Post this roster to the Web Terminal as a Live Roster Post" will be checked.  

You can give your roster a title, or add a header or footer in this section by inserting text in the appropriate box.

Once you are ready to post this roster, click the "Save Live Roster Post" button in the lower right corner of the screen.

To view the roster as if you were a volunteer, use the "Login as..." button at the bottom of the screen in the Web Terminal pane.

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