Only show volunteers the schedules for a certain job in the Full Schedules tab


Whether for privacy or convenience - or both - you can easily limit schedules posted online so volunteers see only their jobs' schedules. This is particularly helpful if you're scheduling multiple jobs and want to make it easy for your volunteers to quickly access relevant schedules when on the Full Schedules tab, but you don't want them to see schedules for jobs to which they do not belong.

  1. Create a Live Schedule Post by opening a Live schedule inside of VSP, clicking on the File menu and selecting "Create additional Live Schedule Post..."
  2. In the "Online layout and options" window, click on the Select Jobs section on the left, and select the jobs you would like to create a schedule for.
  3. Check the box at the bottom of the Select Jobs section that says, "Only show this schedule to volunteers in the included jobs."
  4. Now this schedule post will only be visible to people qualified in that job when they view the Full Schedules tab.

Tip: There is also a similar setting available for Live Roster Posts.

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