How can I use Enrollment Forms to allow existing volunteers to update their profile and sign up for shifts?


Ready to notify your existing volunteers that they can sign up for a new season of shifts? Easily allow them to sign up and update their profile information by sending the Enrollment Form token through the Announcements pane! 

  1. Go to the Announcements pane, select "Compose", and choose "Email". (Or, select "Templates" and choose to use either a Preconfigured template or a Saved template of your own.)
  2. Type up the email notifying volunteers that the schedule for the new season is ready, and they can sign up using the link below. 
  3. Be sure to include the {{WebTerminalEnrollmentPageLink}} token where you want the link to appear
  4. Click on the "Preview" button to preview your email
  5. When you are ready, click "Send to..." to send!

When volunteers get this email, they can then click the link, which is directly linked to their personal profile, to update their information and, if allowed, sign up for shifts on the new schedule. 


Caution: Since each link is personalized to the recipients email, forwarding that link to others is advised against. Instead, they can request a link to the new volunteer enrollment form

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