Simplify the volunteering process by allowing new volunteers to choose which shifts they'd like to work right when they first sign up! You can include a calendar of available shifts on your organization's enrollment form, making it easier than ever for new volunteers to get involved.
- From the Web Terminal pane of VSP, click the "Web Terminal settings..." button at the top of the Home tab.
- Click Enrollments on the left-hand side of the new window, and click the Assignments subheading that appears on the left.
- Check the box to "Allow volunteers to request specific assignments (on specific dates and times) during enrollment".
Note: Volunteers can only enroll at a shift if they are qualified in that Job, so make sure they can also choose their Jobs when they enroll by going to the Jobs sub-pane, as well! - You can further customize and limit which positions volunteers can sign up for using the other controls on this screen.
Bonus: Post your enrollment form on your organization's website to attract even more new volunteers!