Make it easy for volunteers to access important notes online


Keep important notes at your volunteers' fingertips. If you have reminders, requests or just a quick thought to share with volunteers at a particular shift, do it in VSP! Volunteers will be able to easily access the important information when they view their schedules online.

  1. Go to the Schedules pane in VSP and open your live schedule.
  2. Select the shift in the schedule, go to the Schedule menu at the top of the screen and select “Edit Resources…”. A web page will open to that shift’s plan.
  3. On the shift plan, click the "Add another resource" or "Add another note..." button 
  4. Type your note to volunteers in the space provided. Text editing tools appear above the box that can be used to further customize your text, including the ability to add a hyperlink. 
  5. Choose if you want to this note displayed to:
    - this shift only
    - this shift as well as all its related shifts this week (Note: Related shifts are ones that have the same name. This also applies to shifts that are not named.)
    this shift and all other shifts with [Recurring Shift pane settings] shifts
    - every single shift
  6. Choose if you want to also limit to “Only show this note to [job]”
  7. Click OK 

Now when volunteers click on the blue link for this shift, they will be able to see your notes. (Note: Email notifications are not sent out to volunteers when notes are added to a shift. Volunteers will need to view the shift in order to view related notes.)

NOTE: Web Admins and Leaders can also add notes and resources for volunteers! Check out this video tutorial, which demonstrates how Leaders use the Web Terminal.

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