The VSP administrator at your organization manages the access you need to accomplish the tasks in the article below. If you cannot access a feature or are having trouble, please contact your VSP administrator for further assistance.
1. Sign in to your account on your church's Web Terminal.
2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the Web Terminal and select "Switch to Admin View".
3. Click on the Announcements pane on the left.
4. Click the green “+” button and select Email to begin an email announcement.
5. Check the box that reads "But only send to volunteers who pass | this filter".
6. Once this box opens, you have a large variety of options for filtering that can be used independently or stacked:
Note: Custom fields are set up by the VSP admin at your organization and are only available with the Standard Edition. You may not have custom fields at your organization.
7. Click "OK" to apply your filter.
8. Preview the announcement. In the list on the left, only the volunteers who pass the filter you set up will receive the email or text announcement.