The VSP administrator at your organization manages the access you need to accomplish the tasks in the article below. If you cannot access a feature or are having trouble, please contact your VSP administrator for further assistance.
Tokens are used to represent information that changes depending on the volunteer to which it pertains, called the focus volunteer. When tokens are included in the body (or subject) of an email, the focus volunteer is the volunteer to whom the email is sent.
Tokens are always enclosed in curly brackets when used in an email. For example, the text {{FirstName}} will be replaced by the first name of the focus volunteer.
Adding a token to your email
1. First, place your cursor in the body of the email where you want the token to appear.
2. Then, use your mouse to select the {{Token}} menu above the body and select from the list of token sections found there.
3. Once selected, a secondary list will appear with all of the tokens displayed.
4. Click the token to insert it into your email.
To insert a token into the subject of your email, you must type the token (including the curly brackets) into the subject line exactly as it appears in the token list.