How do I undo a sub request?


To cancel a "Request Sub" that has already been submitted by one of your volunteers, open VSP, go to the Schedules pane, select the Live schedule that includes the date on which the volunteer requested a sub, and click the "Open schedule" button.

Once the schedule is open, locate the shift and position for which the volunteer requested a sub. You will see a yellow "Swap requested" flag next to the position.

Click on the volunteer so the entire line is highlighted in blue. Then click on the white flag at the top right-hand side of the schedule window.

This will remove the "Swap requested" flag. Once the Live schedule is saved and closed, the Web Terminal will be updated and the request sub action will be undone.

NOTE: Within VSP, "Sub Requests" are called "Swap Requests".  This is because it is easier for the volunteers to understand the term "Sub" on the Web Terminal, however within VSP, "Sub" is already used to define a volunteer who would act as a back-up for a job, so the term swap is used.

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