Subs, Swaps, and Trading
- How do I undo a sub request?
- How can I keep certain volunteers from receiving Sub request emails?
- Send "Swap Request" emails when flagging a swap on the schedule inside of VSP
- Turn off Swap Request emails for specific volunteers
- Limit swap request emails sent to volunteers
- Cancel Assignment vs. Swap Request
- Send sub requests to more volunteers to get positions filled
- How can I set up the Web Terminal so that volunteers can trade positions?
- Sending a sub request to only particular volunteers
- Can I limit the number of assignments or swap requests a volunteer can request?
- Request a sub on behalf of volunteers from inside of VSP!
- What happens when a volunteer requests a swap?
- Who will get a swap request email?
- Is there a way to re-post a sub request if no one has responded?
- Save VSP roster settings
- Cleaning up rosters that include a list in one cell