Web Terminal
- How do my volunteers enroll online?
- How can I set up the enrollment form to just capture assignments?
- Post an Enrollment Form on Your Organization's Website
- Volunteers can choose their shifts when they enroll
- How can I use Enrollment Forms to allow existing volunteers to update their profile and sign up for shifts?
- Get new volunteers involved with VSP Enrollment forms
Schedules and Rosters on the Web Terminal
- How do I post another schedule to the Web Terminal?
- How do I post a roster to the Web Terminal?
- How can I make sure volunteers only see schedules that relate to jobs in which they are qualified to serve?
- What is the difference between a Live schedule and a Live Schedule Post?
- Exclude certain volunteers' information from rosters and schedules.
- Only show volunteers the schedules for a certain job in the Full Schedules tab
Subs, Swaps, and Trading
- How do I undo a sub request?
- How can I keep certain volunteers from receiving Sub request emails?
- Send "Swap Request" emails when flagging a swap on the schedule inside of VSP
- Turn off Swap Request emails for specific volunteers
- Limit swap request emails sent to volunteers
- Cancel Assignment vs. Swap Request
Web Forms
- What are Web Forms? How can I see all the changes made online by volunteers?
- How can I set up my Web Forms to process automatically?
- Export web forms for archiving purposes
- Reply to volunteers when they submit forms online
- Notify others about important Web Forms
- How do I turn on email notifications for pending Web Forms?
Usernames and Passwords
- How are volunteers assigned their Web Terminal usernames and passwords?
- How can I retrieve login information should a volunteer lose it?
- How do my volunteers receive their usernames and passwords?
- Send Web Terminal login information only to new volunteers
- Find and edit volunteer usernames and passwords
- I changed my password, but I still cannot log on to VSP.
Managing Leaders and Web Admins
- BCC Leaders on Processed Web Forms
- How can a Leader edit the schedule?
- What is a Leader?
- What is the difference between a Leader, a Web Admin, and an Installation Admin in VSP?
- How do I assign a Web Admin or a Leader?
- Designate Leaders to stay powerfully connected to volunteers
- How do I take a screenshot on my phone?
- Will I be notified of changes made by my volunteers through the app?
- What is my Organization ID for the mobile app?
- VSP mobile app for volunteers
- How can I change what is displayed in the app?
- Can I check a volunteer in from the VSP volunteer app?
Web Terminal
- How can I create a custom token?
- How can I see what the Web Terminal looks like from the volunteers' point of view?
- How do I control what the volunteers have access to when logged in to the Web Terminal?
- What do I need to do in order for the changes I made in inside VSP to appear in the Web Terminal online?
- How do I use the Shift Plan?
- Easily integrate VSP with your organization's website.