- When sending email reminders, some volunteers are receiving emails even if they are not scheduled in the specified date range. Why is this?
- When certain volunteers reply to my emails, their reply is bounced back to them! What is going on?
- How can I send an email to all of my volunteers?
- How do I send a reminder to just volunteers who are scheduled for the coming week?
- How do I send an email to the volunteers in just one job?
- How do I see what an email will look like when the volunteers receive it?
- How do I print emails that can then be mailed to volunteers without internet access?
- Why does my email address show as "" when I send emails through the Announcements pane?
- How do I include volunteers' shift preferences or can't serve times in an email?
- How do I save an email so I can re-send the same email at a later date?
- How do I copy and paste in VSP?
- How do I change the "From" address for all emails?
- Save VSP emails for future use
- Embedding links when using the Announcements pane
- Send an email just to volunteers who haven't signed up for shifts
- Quickly view and update the "From" address when using the Announcements pane
- Copy and paste text within Volunteer Scheduler Pro
- Sending volunteers an email to help them reset their password
- Print personalized letters for volunteers without email
- Using Tokens in the Announcements
- Find and send your Organization ID to your volunteers
- Send an email to volunteers scheduled at a specific shift
- Emailing new volunteers to introduce them to VSP
- Creating Custom Tokens to Limit Who Can See Information in an Email
- Using filters to group volunteers matching certain criteria
- Add attachments to emails
- BCC leaders on email or text Announcements
- Viewing responses to polls and RSVPs
- What is a token?
- Why are some of my emails ending up in volunteers' Spam/Junk folders?